Hovk + Helen. Old ballads on an old piano.
Un giorno, traslocando il mio vecchio piano verticale Bechstein del 1907, scopro una incisione sulla struttura in legno del retro: Hovk + Helen, fatta a mano, chissà quando, chissà da chi. Complice l’atmosfera cupa del periodo pandemico, ho avuto l’esigenza di fissare un ricordo, un periodo, uno stato d’animo. E’ nato così questo album, di sole vecchie ballad al pianoforte, riprese in live nel mio studio casalingo.
One day, moving my old 1907 Bechstein upright piano, I discovered an engraving on the wooden structure of the back: Hovk + Helen, made by hand, who knows when, who knows by whom. Thanks to the gloomy atmosphere of the pandemic period, I had the need to fix a memory, a period, a mood. This is how this album was born.
It contains only old ballads on the piano, recorded live in my home studio.
04 – It never entered my mind (Hart, Rogers, Waters)
05 – My foolish heart (V. Young)
06 – As time goes by (H. Hupfeld)
07 – Beautiful love (V, Young, K. Wayne, E. Van Alstyne)
08 – How high the moon (W. Lewis)
09 – Moonlight in Vermont (K. Suessdorf)
10 – Smoke gets in your eyes (J. Kern, O. Harbach)
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